UPDATES AFTER the following pdf, showing a paper published by Prof. Khalilov (who successfully predicted the Japanese EQ/tsunami of 3/11/11) in the proceedings of the Geocataclysm 2011 congress: How to avert the expected volcanic winter and the end of fuels, plus another 20 or 30 Fukushimas. http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2012/12/20/15-signs-that-the-ring-of-fire-is-waking-up-as-we-head-into-2013
It really feels like the start of a mini ice age, says London mayor
As we're entering a new AVERTABLE NOW volcanic ice-age, the main responsible will be the IMPROVIDENT FATALISTS that prevent DIVERTING the galactic electricity that stimulates magma and volcanoes. LET'S STOP the fatalist-made ice-age!!!
Nearly 900 houses toppled after AVERTABLE 4.9-magnitude quake jolts Yunnan...
NO ASTEROID-scarecrow hit Tunguska nor dinosaurs, but ELECTRICITY, that PANICKED FATALISTS HATE TO DIVERT, as lightning-rods already do, to AVERT RISING VOLCANIC CLOUDING-COOLING! http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2006/arch06/060203tunguska2.htm
DO PANICKED BANKERS RETREAT IN VIEW OF THE [AVERTABLE] VOLCANIC WINTERS??? http://www.bishop-hill.net/blog/2013/2/13/bank-of-england-attacks-green-policies.html
Amazing photos and stories of survival as one woman tells how she wrote a goodbye note to her children while trapped in the snow for 12 hours... http://iceagenow.info/2013/02/amazing-photos-stories-survival-woman-tells-wrote-goodbye-note-children-trapped-snow-12-hours
AVERTABLE NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST, WITH INTERNATIONAL TRUCE! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/9852476/Britain-faces-risk-of-power-cuts-due-to-solar-storms.html
One 8R and MORE than 50>5R AVERTABLE quakes in a few hours! http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000f1s0
They DO NOT care about AVERTING VOLCANIC EXPLOSIONS, so that people be frightened and controlled to self-destruction with them... http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/fuji/news/28757/Mt-Fuji-volcano-Japan-new-evacuation-plans-in-case-of-new-eruption-published.html
Utah: Bill to recognize climate change as man-made is shot down 11-4 in the House Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Committee
Scientists concerned about Italy supervolcano
FUELS END - NON-renewable devices - HATE for AFFORESTATIONS lead FATALISTS to nukes...:
FUELS END and janissary NGOs and academics TERRIFIED by the imminent but AVERTABLE volcanic winter, come up with "clever" "bad-weather-prevention" plan: Get unnamed other people to pay Ecuador 3600 million dollars to promise never to sell its oil http://tomnelson.blogspot.gr/2013/01/ngos-and-academics-come-up-with-clever.html
global 'warming' DEFORESTATING cult helped promoting nukes and DISTRACTION from AVERTABLE volcanic winter preparations... http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0330/Nuclear-power-Obama-team-touts-mini-nukes-to-fight-global-warming
400,000 still homeless three years after Haitian earthquake-http://arknow.net/site/202/f/
Snowpocalypse Russia: 'Snow tsunami' swallows streets, cars, buildings...
Germans stealing trees to keep warm
Heavy Snow Sends Northern Mexico into State of Emergency
300 to 600 private jets expected to arrive at Dulles for the First Green President's second inauguration...
Astrophysicist – We are shifting towards a Little Ice Age – Video
AVERTABLE volcanic Cold Weather Across Europe, Asia Kills Hundreds...
*Rising earthquakes-precursor of AVERTABLE volcanic winters/nuclear holocaust - Other necessary preparations...